Month: September 2012

Of strong leaders and miserable lives

MMS is dumb, wish we had a vocal PM.  Modi will make a great PM.  History will bail me out when I say that the greatest crisis the world has faced has always been because of strong leaders.  There is so much of buzz around China emerging through discipline.  Well I have heard this nice little story of how a Chinese investor came to India to study the possibility of investing Indian stocks.  Stepping outside his post hotel he tripped on a protruding stone in the kerb and nearly stumbled over.  He was shocked and he gathered himself and said “This will never happen in China.. how is it possible for Indians to live this way”

The answer is simple China progresses because of its Government and India in spite of its government.

So when I saw this picture I thought I must share it with you.  Please remember strong leaders will take away your freedom, he will take away your sons and daughters and properties and production. He will forcibly take away your income and wealth. He will put a pin in your collar to keep your head upright 
