
The information economy has not matured yet, but the next economy is already in its wings. The coming generation will have this amazing opportunity of handling two eras simultaneously. What is likely to happen? The next 15 yrs will be interesting to watch.

For the sake of the state…

As a student of political science  I was in the wrong end of politics, I would say a victim of  the office politics.  I wore my heart in my sleeve, I slogged it out and yet I was always  facing challenges.   I was born in the lower end of a middle class home that entangled in a religious system and married to a lady who preferred her husband to have a life style of a village school teacher. To top this all at work I did not have a godfather,  the boss I had to report to on business was not charitable to me for  I had abused (actually abused) for playing truant (I was hot blooded). My administrative boss was an alcoholic and a womanizer who was having it out with my secretary.  In spite of all this I did well because I loved my job and my profession and I was concerned about those who worked with me.  Result in exactly 1 year, based on my performance,  I was ordained to be the front runner for the Directorship which was nearly 5 layers above me.  The work culture I had created was buzzing with ideas  that perhaps was the reason.  But then when you are chosen, you need to be able to navigate the corporate jungle, that’s where I goofed.  I realized work alone will not suffice its work + politics.   That realization dawned in late.

With a post graduation in political science and Management education why did I not fuse them together and be wiser?   My moral disposition was the reason.

While in college I was influenced by Thomas Hobbes and Nicollo Machiavelli, but it’s the later who captured my imagination.  Hobbes was a champion of absolutism for the sovereign but he also developed some of the fundamentals of European liberal thought: the right of the individual; the natural equality of all men; the artificial character of the political order (which led to the later distinction between civil society and the state); the view that all legitimate political power must be “representative” and based on the consent of the people; and a liberal interpretation of law which leaves people free to do whatever the law does not explicitly forbid.

Machiavelli on the other hand is  prototype of a modern empirical scientist, building generalizations from experience and historical facts, and emphasizing the uselessness of theorizing with the imagination.  Scholars often note that Machiavelli glorifies instrumentality in state building – an approach embodied by the saying that “the ends justify the means.” Violence may be necessary for the successful transfer of power and introduction of new legal institutions. Force may be used to eliminate political rivals, to coerce resistant populations, and to purge previous rulers who will inevitably attempt to regain their power.

Take away the selfishness attached to Machiavelli you will have a real interesting and effective tool kit for governance and growth.  For reasons of state (raison d’état) a leader can do anything.  When I say state I would mean a collective of people, not just an institution/organization.  History will bear me out when I say that leaders with wrong intent following the selfish and power laden path bring people and society to much suffering and pain

Navigating office politics is a training session I used to specialize in.  Not many liked the topic, most found it obnoxious and wanted to wish it away sweeping it under the carpet.  But I believe each of us are a socio-political being.  Being political for good reasons is important if not you become the victim of power games played by the average minds.


Nothing inspires like embarrassment. Iam sure the guys who create Dilbert are actually those ordinary people who take the tube to work and spend the time interacting with a whole lot of people who have grey matter that is still  travelling towards its place of residence.  


There was a time, like mere mortals, we sat in open spaces and worked together.  The cabin did seem attractive for its enclosure value but certainly not for what it contained within.  So when the open space mortal aspires for the cabin one cant attribute it his/her proclivity to seek comfort, certainly not.

What would you do if you find a picture of a pig in a  Svarovski picture frame  ?  would you just stay quiet?  The aesthetic side in you will revolt and the more you suppress it the more it will spring within you and eventually you will be constrained to throw the pic of the  pig out and may be have your own pic inside.  That’s the feeling the ordinary mortals get when they want to occupy a cabin. Its just the rush of   Aesthetic blood.

The new  kid, who has moved into a glass box from an open space, in his privacy starts grunting at people and grows a stiff neck and stubborn fat all over him that sooner or later the picture of the PIG returns to Svarovski frame.. such is corporate life you see.  So were did the pigs go??? Does that question linger ?

I remember this lovely book called Animal Farm _ a classic by George Orwell.  The book will give you an insight into the life of the pigs.   The classic line ‘ALL PIGS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME PIGS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN THE OTHERS” who can forget.

Lording over the farm and the shelters, they go around allocating the rightful place for everybody.  They say “Now you .. hey Iam talking to you … go there, and you come her sit in this place…. “  they go on.  They work on space allocation theories that are linked to productivity and its often combined with far more sophisticated ‘science’  like Vaasthu.  

It stinks,it sucks.   Dont we know that a  salary has 3 broad components. Its the BASIC PAY, the PERKS and the HYGIENE factors.  The new generation knowledge workers look for HYGIENE first… They just want a good picture frame and sparkling one … they dont need the picture.  Organizations that cannot understand this simple truth are wiring themselves to disaster.

Why is EMPLOYER BRANDING SO IMPORTANT in a RPO game plan?  (That will be my next blog)


To be able to see the unseen

There was a time in history when most of the knowledge was stored in oral form.  Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey may be attributed to Homer for strange reasons, but it’s a collective of many minds involved in its creation.  Before the printed word people read with their ears.  Progress in the form of salvation happened only when THE WORD made its entry in our world.   Even today the human race is divided between those who progressed to read with their eyes and those who have stagnated to continue their journey with their ears.

As a professional in the communication space for many years, I have battled with the brutes and the uncivilized all my life.  I was involved in a religious movement for many years that preached the power of the word; it was here that I understood that we need to be people who live our life with a vision. This band of people who profess to live with a ‘vision’ organized a huge mela that would attract nearly 50000 people from 20 countries.  The plan was mammoth and the topography of the place was handed over to me and I was asked to design the signage, to help the people navigate the space easily.  I took a lot of effort brought out all my learning and gave my best.  The basic challenge one had to encounter was to the make sure the signage does not scream nor does it get muted and lost. To RIGHT SIZE was the key.  I hired design experts for this who studied the place and finally executed the job.  The job was done; the event took place without the people running helter skelter,  when I produced the bill for payment it was not cleared for reasons unknown.

Now I attributed the delay to organization reasons and I was taken aback my friend who supplied those noisy generators on wheels had overcharged 3 times and he had got his payment.

The propagators of VISION obviously were deciding with their ears & sight.  The generators with its mammoth presence and noise justified its existence & payment in spite of its inflated cost, but my signage that hung around, doing its job without being too loud fell short.

I realized, as a communication professional, organizations that had the vision valued investments on communication properties more that physical properties.   The fact is that we are progressing furiously  into a virtual world,  we hear success stories of companies in the virtual space attracting capital and profits (instagram the latest)  yet the proclivity of the ‘vision-less’ towards brick and mortar and machinery baffles me.

How do we identify if an organization has a vision or is  vision-less?

Being in the receiving end of the vision-less comes up as a learning experience oft times.   If employees make an organization then an organizations growth depends entirely on the vision the employees possess.  Jose Saramago in his book “Baltasar and Blimunda” talks about  Baltasar, a soldier who has lost a hand in battle, falls in love with Blimunda, a young girl with visionary powers and they are joined by Pardere Bartolemeu Lourenco, whose fantasy (vision) is to invent a flying machine. The setting is 18th century Lisbon when the King and Church exercised absolute power quelling the dreams of ordinary people. Even a dream to fly was considered heretical and resulted in an auto-da-fe at the stakes.

Blimunda, the visionary appears magical and ethereal, gets into the act of collection of wills.  Collection of       wills is akin to collection of vision of the key players in an organization.  Were do those WILLS ( used in this context as vision) reside?  it easy to say were it does not reside

There are broadly two ways to understand the absence of vision in an individual:

1. When the key players are animated about their own earnings as opposed to the cause or the organization they work for

2. When there is no room for the unseen in a plan.

These two simple yardsticks will help you understand that it’s impossible for an organization to move towards a vision that is un seeable and un feelable but will dwell in the touch and feel of the income that is so real.  The unseen plan will struggle to exist and will be starved to death and with it will follow the organization to be burnt at the stakes of the market heat. 

Yoke 2 Oak – Tunisia to Tamil Nadu

Not many knew about the peaceful transition of power in Tunisia afterall Tunisia is not more than a speck of dust in worlds economic map, but for a disaster of mammoth proportions or a tragedy of sorts one cannot expect that country to be in the news.   But then what happened to Tunisia gives sleepless nights to the power wielders in the Arab word.  When news trickled about the revolution in Tunisia, most of the dictators around, loosened their aprons stings and let go of some power, and said it was long overdue.  They used all their charm to tell the people that it was not because of happenings in Tunisia but they would have done either way.  Total PR effort.

The French Revolution was the forerunner to this by separating religion from the state by focusing on liberty, equality and fraternity. It took some time for the others to catch up.  Tunisia, was a French colony from 1881 to 1956 and one is  sure the French have sowed their seeds and those seeds have grown and matured as an oak.  Tunisians should be thankful for not being under the British

Lets take a place like India, zero down on Tamil Nadu.  Tamil Nadu land mass is almost equivalent to Tunisia with a 6 times more population.  It is beleived that 50% of the country was owned by  President  Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and his close relatives.  Obviously they controlled the media, the food, the transport, telecommunication, entertainment, construction, real estate and all the prime sectors and they amassed wealth.  Injustice followed by deprivation and unemployment prevailed.  The people had to rise.  It was not an uprising or a revolt or a coup it was a revolution.  That is why the neighborhood countries are chewing their nails.

Its easy to say that all it took was a slap followed by a self immolation by Mohamed Bouazizi, a fruit vendor, and the   mob leapt to its feet  to overthrow  Tunisian President  Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who ruled for 23 yrs with an iron fist.   Freedom and Liberty were growing inside the hearts of the people, apparently all efforts to suppress it only fertilized it and quickened the growth.

The echo of the Tunisian revolution resounds in Egypt, the population of Egypt and Tamil Nadu are almost the same.

The rulers must take these events seriously.  Where ever they are located.  For news to travel does not take a long time these days.  The seeds the British had sown may not be potent ones, but every human being – particularly an Indian cherishes freedom and would throw away the yoke of suppression.

Understand the future and prepare

Apart from complex social interactions the ability to see the future is probably the stand out feature of a human being.  Its important to make sure what is likely to happen and prepare yourself for it.

Here are the predictions.  I will probably have to go through this and summarise it .  These are market predictions done by JWT

I read the following predictions, interesting too, far more serious than the one about and worth a closer look. LINK

"Lets not reinvent anything"

I managed to catch up  with two of my old friends yesterday. One of them said ” Chennai has too many events that I have decided not to attend any of them” ( so TiECON, I understood cannot be classified under an event, and that makes me happy) now the other one said “Well its better to have some event or the other happening than to have nothing at all”.   So when Vishy told me about the assignment at TiECON, all of me screamed  ‘God why me?’ yet one little gut  kept pleading within me to be part of this group.  The soft whisper of this little gut was louder than the screaming NO..

I’am glad I heard my gut.

To sum it up, only on  two occasions did I feel terrible about being part of this project.  That was when I had very little to do and then last evening as the God’s daughter, the dark night, spread its  canvas across the sky.

I remember the night I sat for the pages of Economic Times.   Hard work combined with sleeplessness should have made ordinary mortals crumble. Not so here.  The logical preciseness of JK, the overarching vision of Ramraj, the humor of Chandu and the design prowess of Uday came prancing now and then like the elves who helped the shoe maker turn around his enterprise.  So lesson:  Even when you are tired keep up the good cheer with some great company around.

There is no greater joy to see the youngsters engaging and committing their time for the conference.  Dorai Todla, has this ability to attract sensible and committed ones.  The team he put together under Sorav Jain‘s charge showed commitment and I am sure they are enriched after the conference.  Through them TiECON CHENNAI 2010 will echo and ripple for a while.

I have read that the Generals of Napoleon used to dread every victory, for Napoleon used harass them to find out what are the right things they had done to ensure victory.  And all they had to do was to repeat the right things in the next battle.

I can hear JK say “LETS NOT REINVENT ANYTHING ” . These words have become entwined in my neural pathways for I have heard this say this a million times.  When we sift the right things that were done, the ones that need improvement will stay behind for us to be addressed  next year.

Thank you guys for the great journey with TiECON CHENNAI 2010.

PS:  I actually read this blog again after publishing and found 6 mistakes and corrected them.  A small big lesson from TiE Chennai.

Wont it be Fair & Lovely to recognize the Law of Confirmation Bias?

Take this dipstick test, ask an american at random what he is?chances are he is a lawyer. Americans are not interested in gold medals in Olympics anymore they are busy framing laws, intellectual property rights and patents. You may call them legalistic bastards.

They have come up with the strangest of laws, the Murphys law ofcourse is the most popular one, they you have a host of them theParkinson’s law, Segal’s law, Finagles law, Hanlon’s razor, Sod’s law..the list is long.

When God handed over the laws to Moses on Mt Sinai, the reverence and the holiness around it was of high intensity. Now with the avalanche of tit bit crap passing on as laws sure takes the punch out of the Ten Commandments. Now that the 10 commandments makes no sense I would like to break the sixth commandment, and shed some blood with my words. The naive need to pardon me for this.

There are particularly two laws that can piss me off. One is the law ‘the fairer skin wins’. If you really want to torture me, tie me upsecurely on a chair, make sure you have a clip open my eyelids  play Fair & Lovely commercials to me. And if you want to kill me read aloud the Law of Attraction, I will bleed to death.

If only people were to talk about  Pascals Law,Newtons Law, Ohms Law, Gauss‘ law and if these too outdated for comfort, cant we deal with  the Laws ofcloning, stem cell or gene therapy or for that matter with Neuroscience or Molecular Biology or Quantum Mechanics. I am sure there a millionsof sensible laws floating around in these futuristic stuff.

Why is the Law of Confirmation Bias so popular?

Simple because we all have a proclivity towards facts and  information that confirms what we already believe. So in order to validate our own patterns that we have managed to form in our own little world we look for confirmations to validate it. We really don’t wanna change, which also means that we really dont want to accommodate anything new lest it challenges existing formations. The market savvy writers and film makers know this. They also know that dark people would like to become fair and the bald want hair. And these deprived souls have this hope against hopes that fairer skin and bushy hair is possible by focussed thinking. These market makers make the laws for the game, they call it the Law of Attraction, the NaturesConspiracy theory etc. To these helpless but hopeful minds they slip in branded solutions in a tube or a bottle promising eternal life.

The market maniacs do this, religion does it too. The world loves this and laps it up.

Typical crap list of books that you should avoid

Artificial Meat and wireless food

Winston Churchill said in the 1930s, “Fifty years hence, we shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium.”

There is going to be a problem for vegetarians.  Now they need to give a valid reason as to why they will not consume meat.  I have heard numerous reasons from cruelty to animals to the harmful effects on health.

Comes a time, probably as we near 2050, when the world population will be 9 billion when people and industry will compete for water. India and China will be the hot spots.  Lets not get into worry mode as to what the kids will do.  Surely they will not eat the food that we eat.

For animal lovers there is good news, nanotechnology will help deliver better remote medication to cattle and help  in their growth and well being in a remote farm .  The is good news for foodies and meat eaters too.  These healthy cattle can be seen between your fork, fresh from the farm.

Personally Iam quite upbeat on the genetic engineering and nanotechnology.  The food that we consume is not the same that we had even 30 years ago.  The onion has lost its pungency, the rice is cute and lily like but absolutely useless,  we dont get to see those tiny worms in the apple and brinjal (the pesticides are doing fine) it goes on.  We are sure in for trouble in all fronts.  But to counter the ill effects that modern food can present to you, there are developments in medicine too.  So they get neutralized.

Relax In vitro meat is not for common people it cost $1 million for 250 gms today,but then some day you might own a device that will help you grow your own chicken legs or chicken breast at home without the mess around it, the way you make your curds perhaps.   Better still  someday  you  might not have to eat at all you may want to tap into some wireless food or e food.  Well what is wireless food? This is being developed by my friend Venkatesh Chandrasekaran. This is what he has to say about it:

Make food independent of farming, monsoon, land, cooking and place by fulfilling the energy  requirement of human body through wireless signals while retaining the taste through simulation. Create e-food by converting the physical food into signals and storing it for future use. Develop  a mechanism which will work on human body and will help in experiencing the taste and in  extracting the required nutrient and energy from e-food.
Typically a Food-transcoder converts the physical food into wireless signals. It takes into account all the details of food and covers all the nuances of cooking specific to a particular dish or a particular cook.
Food-trancoder comprises of nutricode synthesizer for generating the nutrients, flavadet for detecting the flavor, focons- food consistancy measurement tool, TST- Temperature,Solidity and Tast measurement and Crunchvol- is the sound associated with consuming a specific food for the ears.The print of the food is stored in global food database GFD. This GFD can be accessed across  the universe any number if times, meaning you can copy and distribute the same dish unlimted times.  At the receiving end person will be equipped with a simufood receiver which receives the  e-food-print and gives input to brain to simulate the taste of specific dish. The person will also have a simufood gel in the stomach which receives the energy and nutrition that needs to be circulated in body.

Its for sure that things are not going to be the same in the years to come. You need to either feast on what ever you eat now since you may not get this in future or just say no to these kind of stuff and get you body get used to some real ordinary stuff.

Value at the molecular level


My first boss demanded respect. He demanded it.  He expected people to raise up when he walked in and we had wish him but he just walked past so bored with all this. But he demanded it. He told us what has to be done, he called th shots.  In just 25 years I have seen changes taking place in front of me.  You try to tell a young professional what has to be done, he may not even listen to you.  If you are a boss you suck, you make no difference.  ‘You are there because Iam here’ that is exactly the approach.

How did this happen. Only the simple minds will say, that youngsters are so different these days.  They have no respect for the elders.  No thats not it.  It is just that we have, over the past 50 years, presided over the growth of the Infotech era and soon see its maturity and decline too.

With this era came a new mindset and a new language.  Sharing, networking, collaboration were the new buzz words.  The way we do business has changed.  We realised that being isolated is not possible, we need to be connected with one another.

Now the information ecomonmy has not matured yet, already the next economy is in the wings.  The ideas and technologes of these tow economies will afftech each other in the coming decade – creating a rapidly evolving climate of business and management.

The key driver of the next economy, Biotech economy, will be ‘CREATION OF VALUE IN THE MOLECULAR LEVEL’

Acknowledgments :   Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer

The Conscience of Capitalism Arun Maira

Jun 22, 2010

When a citizen does wrong, you know whose ass to kick. When a corporation causes harm, who exactly should take the rap? Moreover, unlike a person, as Nace points out, a corporation can do the Houdini — disappear and reappear in another body with a new name — and avoid being punished.
Such are the questions that President Obama and the American people, and also the Indian government and Indian people, are grappling with. Whenever the leaders of the US and India come together, as they will again when President Obama visits India later this year, they proclaim the partnership between the two largest democracies in the world. Along side such visits, business leaders from both countries also meet to promote investments and trade.

Should not these dialogues between government and industry leaders also be about the evolution of better institutions of democracy, and capitalism, and within that, the role of corporations? Because, as leaders of the largest democracies, they must also show leadership in the evolution of ideas and institutions.

Mankind has developed many powerful ‘dual use’ technologies that can do great good but, in the wrong hands, can do great harm too. These include nuclear energy and bio-genetics. Who can be trusted with their power? What safeguards must be in place? The large, limited liability corporation is also a powerful ‘dual use’ concept invented by man. The agenda for co-operation between the US and India is fraught with debates about these ‘dual use’ technologies.

Business needs freedom to take risks, innovate and increase wealth. Governments must protect their citizens and promote the common cause. Therefore, even as governments promote business, they must also regulate it. Business leaders resent regulation. They would rather be trusted to regulate their own behaviour. They must always remember that corporations are given a licence to operate by society, and that society can curb or even withdraw that license. The most egregious illustration of this is the conduct of the East India Company. It was given a charter by the Crown to trade in the East. The minutes of its board meetings in London show that the board was hardly concerned about the conditions of the people in the places in which the company operated. It was concerned about financing the missions; it charged its operators abroad to make profits; and it decided the dividends for the investors. When the conduct of the Company’s operators became intolerable, the people rebelled, and the Crown was compelled to withdraw the Company’s charter.

Self regulation requires a conscience. Corporations are the engines of capitalism. Wherein lies the conscience of the corporation — an inanimate, legal construct devised by man? That is the question at the heart of corporate governance. Does it lie in the board, which society should trust to ensure that the corporation causes no harm? If so, is the board equipped with the moral precepts, intellectual ideas and norms of conduct that will enable it to discharge its responsibility to society? The responsibility of the chairman of the board is to ensure that the board is so equipped. A capable board with a conscience can ensure that the corporation’s executive management is well equipped to act responsibly too.

Finally, as the woman from Nigeria said in Sweden, the people want the buck to stop somewhere. They are tired of buck-passing. Great leaders admit the buck stops with them.

(by Arun Maira The author is a member of the Planning Commission)