Sometimes you have to write to figure it out


Sometimes you have to write to figure it out…

This advice wasn’t just savvy guidance for how to write — it might be the wisest advice I know for how to live… The way to be okay, we all believe, is to have a specific plan — except may it’s not…

The smartest, most interesting, most dynamic, most impactful people … lived to figure it out. At some point in their lives, they realized that carefully crafted plans … often don’t hold up… Sometimes, the only way to discover who you are or what life you should lead is to do less planning and more living— to burst the double bubble of comfort and convention and just do stuff, even if you don’t know precisely where it’s going to lead, because you don’t know precisely where it’s going to lead.

This might sound risky — and you know what? It is. It’s reallyrisky. But the greater risk is to choose false certainty over genuine ambiguity. The greater risk is to fear failure more than mediocrity. The greater risk is to pursue a path only because it’s the first path you decided to pursue.


The worst neurobollocks infographics on the web


Regardless what you think of infographics (and personally, I think they’re largely a pustulent, suppurating boil on the bloated arse of the internet) there are some good, useful ones out there. However, these are vastly outweighed by the thousands of utterly ghastly, misleading, poorly-referenced and pointless ones.

Because I’ve been on holiday for the last week, my levels of rage and misanthropy have dropped somewhat from their usual DEFCON-1-global-thermonuclear-war-the-only-winning-move-is-not-to-play levels, so I thought trying to find the absolute worst neuroscience-related infographics on the web might be a good way to top the vital bile reserves back up again. And oh boy, was I right. There are some doozies.

First up is this purple and blue monstrosity titled ’15 things you didn’t know about the brain.’ Here we learn (amongst other howlers) that the capacity of the brain is 4 terabytes, men process information on the left side while women use…

View original post 402 more words

The importance of WHY?

I was with my friend showing off a website  we had designed. Her eye for detail looked a the missing component and she told me “big companies answer the WHY question”



I recalled Simon Sinek TED Talk on How Great Leaders Inspire Action. He says “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” To explain this he uses the The Golden Circle.  Based on Simon’s Golden Circle of buying here is the Slingshot SEO interpretation of Golden Circle with a demand generation and content twist.

Picture courtesy - Social Media Today

The Golden Circle

By answering the WHY you zoom past the neocortex and hit the limbic system directly towards  the WHY and connect with emotions and beliefs. So when we do content for a website or when we do any sales proposition it is important to handle the WHY first.

Buyers are liars. When they step out their house to take on a buying decision they build strong defense systems to handle their buying process with caution. Sometimes their defenses are so formidable that they end up ignoring the the things they want to buy and end up buying that which they do not need.   To get the transaction happening its important for the seller to get right into the WHY question and answer it.


My morning got disturbed and then I changed me

My morning used to be quiet, and you all know how important to start a morning at peace.  That’s how I used to start at work, Peaceful.  Then 3 weeks back it all changed.  A new department moved to the adjoining room and their work was to deal with people so I could not really blame them when there was talk of immense volume and laughter. It disturbed me no end.  My mornings were not the same anymore.  The day did not start with peace and my day did not work out fine consequently.

My instincts wanted to get the better of me.. I wanted to storm into the room and actually wanted to tell people to SHUT UP.  No that’s not my style but I would have gently told them to talk softly and not disturb.  Well what would have happened is as a senior (old) guy I would have annoyed them or would have made them sullen.  I would have screwed up their day.  I would have distanced myself from them.  They were youngsters and I would have probably thrown cold water into their enthusiasm.  So what do I do?  The noise was getting too much by the day.  I HAD TO DO SOMETHING !!!!!!!!!

So I did some thinking?

I bought myself a headset.

First few days I  listened to Mozart and cut off the sounds partially.  But the the ambient noise was cutting through the music and it was not a good idea.

So I decided to listen to some motivational talks… I never used to do it.

So I played Zig Ziglar and Brain Tracy… I started liking the talks

My mornings with such talk was much better the the peaceful mornings I used to enjoy earlier.

Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. Marcel Proust

If philosophy is queen is technology for cattle class?

I had the opportunity of motivating a group 
of students in DAV Mogappiar to look beyond 
the now.  Like always one comes out enriched 
after such sessions. It gets you to think, 
let me share my thoughts out here. 

Philosophy the Queen of Sciences

Yesterday I mentioned to the students  about Philosophy being in the top of the learning hierarchy and Technology at the bottom.  A lanky  bespectacled lad walked up to me at the end and said I want to become anengineer and I love philosophy.  I was quite intrigued.  Something snapped within me and I said ‘You ought to be both‘ he just picked up my email id and went away smiling and he seemed happy.

I recalled the Swayamvara ceremony of Sita. The one who could string Shivas bow and shoots wins the princes. Rama attempting to string the bow breaks it displaying his strength and wins over Sita.

Philosophy requires a great amount of intuitive understanding, instead of just empirical data to come to a full understanding of it.  Its the combination of both that will be meaningful.  Knowledge and strength that is acquired with technological pursuit needs to pursue the queen (and win her over).

What would this mean?  Any engineering or scientific pursuit a vast array of  facts and figures that are so much apart have  contradictions  woven into it, unless we rise above its level it will be impossible to bring together  these contradictions and grasp them.  (stringing the bow)

This in simple language may suggest that Technology is an urchin running around at the base of the pyramid, far from it.  Its not the heirachy in the power sense, its more on the distribution of resources and capabilities.  The progress of a society would surely rely on those who toil at the bottom but for the toil to be meaningful there needs to be ‘swamyamvar’ that will set you face to face with the queen.  The queen needs it too, to find meaning it is not meet for her to choose a partner from her own  setting, lest the Bread and Cake gets blurred and she becomes a power hungry beast fit enough to be slayed some day.

As a nation we have set our mind on philosophical thought. Today the flavor seems to be in pursuit of  technology and commerce. Children like lemmings are blindly running towards the steep cliff, mindlessly and thoughtlessly pursuing a life of comfort and not a life of meaning.  Its time we organize Swayamvara ceremonies.  Win over Sita boys.  Only she can get the best out of you.

Classical Music to avoid stress.

Indian classical musician and master of sarod ...

Image via Wikipedia

I handle the importance of classical music from two angles one as an activity to develop listening skills and the other is for dispelling stress.

Listening skills:

Listening is a commodity today, ‘listen carefully’ would mean – be all ears to gather or assimilate what I tell you.  Well this is a basic form of listening.  As you progress in life, you need to be able to listen on a karmic level, which is to be able to process the target sound even without actually paying attention. And then be able let the information or thoughts get into your brain (cognitive areas)  and toy it around the and then be able to link it, match it or interact with what you already have in store and create something new around it. And all this must be done simultaneously, without compromising on the listening process (sustained auditory attention)

A good listener is trained to be able to handle complicated sounds in quick succession effortlessly.

How is this possible? You ought to know that a word in itself is a combination of phonemes or sounds that are delivered to you in various tones, volume and frequencies.  A good listener is trained to be able to handle complicated sounds in quick succession effortlessly.  And embody the relevant thought or knowledge or instruction into ones system so that doing and functioning becomes a natural process or in other words it just happens.  Which means you would be doing something because you can’t but do it.  You are not programmed you have quickly wired yourself for that task. This is opposed to the stressful external ‘to do’ lists that kind of take charge of us and govern us.

Listening activity

Typically in a training session, I play beat loaded movie music and observe the body movements and the flutter in the group. Suddenly I switch to a classical tune; most of them will start displaying boredom in less than 30 seconds of playing.  I would play it for not more that 2 minutes and then I shut it down (cannot bear to see the boredom in their faces). Now why do you like the movie music, the response will invariably be – “because it’s interesting” and why not the classical music?  – ‘because its boring’.

I end the activity with a thought – so you walk into an elite hotel they play boring music right?  And the music played on the road side is good fun, it’s interesting.

Its deconstruction time.

The word boring should actually be read as threatening or incapability.

What did the participants mean by interesting and boring?

Interesting in this context would mean:  I am familiar to these sequence of sounds that are simple and are repetitive and hence I am able to process it easily so I can relate to it.  Or it would mean that the sounds make me want to dance and it makes me want to dance or tap my feet in other words it makes me respond.

Classical Music is boring statement would actually mean.  I am unable to process complicated sounds delivered in quick intervals, hence my brain is threatened and shuts off the sound.  You need to realize the word boring should actually be read as threatening or incapability.

Threatening sounds

Whatever is given to brain it will either take it as a challenge or a threat.  Challenge is brains feast; it gobbles it up, and threat it rejects.  What happens in most cases is that, as individuals who have this inclination to pleasure and ease tend to indulge in trite and thereby brings down the ability to handle challenges. Over a period of time our brains threshold level of handling challenge diminishes and it gravitates towards banality and finds meaningful interactions as ‘boring’ and un-stimulating.  This would mean that our mind has started deteriorating and that we are being reduced to a normal living organism.

How do you develop listening skills?

I hate to say this but in this context you need to bear with me. Classical music helps develop listening skills (western or eastern).  To reduce Classical music to develop ones listening skill pains me, for it’s much more that that.

Classical music delivers complicated sound sequences in quick succession.  Music like language is something what is inborn in us, we grow up the rhythm of the heart beat and start uttering sounds on birth and acquire language skills for survival.  Human endeavour need not end with a need for survival with basic skills, in order to live a life to the fullest it’s important that we strive.  And if there is anything one must to pay attention, invest energies and strive for let it be on acquiring language skills and music.

Why language and music?

Latest findings on neuroscience indicate that the under girding of the brain sounds and words. This would also mean that our brain responds and rewires only when it’s provided with a continuous feed of language.  Music is language in that sense. When we apply our mind to these primary skills we, by default, develop a whole lot of other skills, like Memory, Processing, Attention, Sequencing etc.  And these skills in turn will prove to be of help to acquire other skills or develop and strengthen existing skills there by making our challenges easy to handle, relieving us of stress.

In summation let’s say, good music can help you develop skills and help you live a stress free life.

Understand the future and prepare

Apart from complex social interactions the ability to see the future is probably the stand out feature of a human being.  Its important to make sure what is likely to happen and prepare yourself for it.

Here are the predictions.  I will probably have to go through this and summarise it .  These are market predictions done by JWT

I read the following predictions, interesting too, far more serious than the one about and worth a closer look. LINK

New Year Resolutions – the how?

Most of us try new year resolutions, and nearly 90% fall by the way side well within a month.  Very few make it.  This surely must not discourage you from not making any resolutions.

Resolutions rely heavily on WILL POWER.  And WILL POWER demands mental muscles.  You need to strengthen the mental muscles first before trying to load the will power with a new task or challenge.

This is an imaginary correspondence ..



You can comment on this blog or mail me at

Have a great year.

Weakness is strength

Notice the expressions in the girl.  She hands over the toy and looks at the eyes of the boy anticipating the expected reaction and the boy fell for it.



When you think “survival skills,” you just don’t think “panda.” A large carnivore subsisting almost entirely on a nutrition-poor grassy diet affording little energy for anything but copious eating and sleeping isn’t exactly a role model for disciplined physical and mental achievement.


"Lets not reinvent anything"

I managed to catch up  with two of my old friends yesterday. One of them said ” Chennai has too many events that I have decided not to attend any of them” ( so TiECON, I understood cannot be classified under an event, and that makes me happy) now the other one said “Well its better to have some event or the other happening than to have nothing at all”.   So when Vishy told me about the assignment at TiECON, all of me screamed  ‘God why me?’ yet one little gut  kept pleading within me to be part of this group.  The soft whisper of this little gut was louder than the screaming NO..

I’am glad I heard my gut.

To sum it up, only on  two occasions did I feel terrible about being part of this project.  That was when I had very little to do and then last evening as the God’s daughter, the dark night, spread its  canvas across the sky.

I remember the night I sat for the pages of Economic Times.   Hard work combined with sleeplessness should have made ordinary mortals crumble. Not so here.  The logical preciseness of JK, the overarching vision of Ramraj, the humor of Chandu and the design prowess of Uday came prancing now and then like the elves who helped the shoe maker turn around his enterprise.  So lesson:  Even when you are tired keep up the good cheer with some great company around.

There is no greater joy to see the youngsters engaging and committing their time for the conference.  Dorai Todla, has this ability to attract sensible and committed ones.  The team he put together under Sorav Jain‘s charge showed commitment and I am sure they are enriched after the conference.  Through them TiECON CHENNAI 2010 will echo and ripple for a while.

I have read that the Generals of Napoleon used to dread every victory, for Napoleon used harass them to find out what are the right things they had done to ensure victory.  And all they had to do was to repeat the right things in the next battle.

I can hear JK say “LETS NOT REINVENT ANYTHING ” . These words have become entwined in my neural pathways for I have heard this say this a million times.  When we sift the right things that were done, the ones that need improvement will stay behind for us to be addressed  next year.

Thank you guys for the great journey with TiECON CHENNAI 2010.

PS:  I actually read this blog again after publishing and found 6 mistakes and corrected them.  A small big lesson from TiE Chennai.