Month: February 2013

The speakers are ready to orgasmize but the audience wont ‘come’ ?

Perhaps in the early nineties when Television was just becoming a medium of choice the company I worked for decided to move into providing top quality shows for Television.  Femina Fashion Show and Filmfare nights were two top notch programs  I had worked for personally.  There was support only in the form of a two page note as to what I had to do, and I was asked to report to the Editor on a daily basis.  I remember calling the junior most member of the team and handing over that paper to him and in 20 days we had the show happening. No glitch no mess up.  There were nearly 40 performers who came all over the country and an equal number of them coming from the city.  There were actors, actresses, directors, musicians and performers – quite a logistical nightmare.

Looking back I realized unlike a creative endeavor  event management was clearly a process (a calender + clock activity), in fact there are efficient apps to do it, any of the PMI experts can do it with ease.  With modern tools (like telephone :P) its all the more easier.speaker

But then you have to get the performers and the audience.  To get the performers is quite simple, particularly since most of them tend to  ‘orgasmize’ with microphone in hand.  Getting people to come (attendees) is real tough.  I remember working for a large event 2 years ago. The event happened annually at the Chennai Trade Center, it was a huge auditorium.  We got some really top line speakers and got them transported to Chennai in Business Class but then getting the audience was a huge challenge, nothing worked.  Its quiet and embarrassment to see empty seats right?

In the committee there was an expert who specialized in  “butt on seats”. This man attended all meetings closely observed the statistics and he knew how many butts he need to get to fill the seats. He had contacts with some mid level management institute and got truck loads of students in ‘business suits’ to rest the butt on the seats.  I see nothing wrong in that … you may call it cheat mode but its one of the tricks that any event manager will use.

Therefore if you have a captive audience and manage to get a speaker all you need is a microphone and an auditorium.  On the 4th of February  I did an event in a school, 1350 students ‘attended’.  It was fun with an excellent story teller holding center stage. This blog is sponsored by a bunch of story tellers if you are interested in having story telling sessions anywhere do let me know

English Vinglish….Tasted Wasted

Now this  Shashi Godbole, the woman created to make yummy laddus, is taunted and teased by her husband and daughter for being non English enabled. She says she got the love but did not get respect. The french dude, Laurent, who is Shashi’s classmate, adores (beyond respect) her and loves her. But then the Shashi, married with two kids, has to confirm to the institution of marriage,  she is from a respected middle class household after-all.

srideviShe wins the respect of her husband and daughter and gets back to India to live happily married ever after

If you have not watched the movie loose no sleep its kind of very flippant, stupid and lacks challenge. Now lets make this a bit spicy I dont want answers for a change.. I need questions from you … and lets try to answer this with questions .. Go on !!!!!