
Building a Winning Team: The Three ‘R’s that Set Good Workplaces Apart

The three ‘R’s – recruitment, retraining, and retention – are crucial for building a successful and productive workplace. Good workplaces understand that attracting and retaining high-calibre, well-motivated staff is the key to their success.

Recruitment is the first step in building a strong workforce. It involves identifying the right candidates for the job and attracting them to your organization. This requires a well-planned recruitment strategy that includes job postings, networking, and employee referrals. Good workplaces understand that recruiting the right talent is critical to their success and invest time and resources into finding the best candidates.

Retraining is equally important in building a successful workplace. As technology and the business landscape evolve, employees need to be equipped with the necessary skills to keep up with the changes. Good workplaces invest in their employees’ professional development by offering training programs, mentoring, and coaching. This not only helps employees stay up-to-date with the latest trends but also helps them feel valued and invested in.

Retention is the final piece of the puzzle. Retaining high-calibre, well-motivated staff is crucial for building a productive and successful workplace. Good workplaces understand that employee turnover is costly and disruptive to business operations. They invest in employee engagement programs, offer competitive salaries and benefits, and provide a positive work environment. This helps to create a culture of loyalty and commitment, which in turn leads to increased productivity, innovation, and success.

In conclusion, the three ‘R’s – recruitment, retraining, and retention – are the main differentiators of good workplaces. By focusing on these areas, organizations can build a strong and productive workforce that is capable of achieving their goals and driving success.

From Canvas to the Lab – How Sex got perverted.

“It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge.”
But it must be admitted, I think, that in most cases where women have been chaste they were also ignorant.”

Jilly Coppercorn was still staring at her reflection when she heard someone coming down the hall toward her room: two sets of footsteps, one light-footed as if hurrying to catch up with something else; another slow but determined tread like some heavy object being dragged along by its owner. She turned away quickly before either could see what had made her stop dead for so long – or who might notice how much longer than normal this time. It wasn’t until after both visitors had passed through the door into their rooms that Jilly realized there’d been no knock on hers first. That’s odd. And then again, maybe not. Maybe it just seemed that way because neither visitor looked back over his shoulder once during their visit. They didn’t even pause outside her door. Just went right inside without saying hello. Which probably meant he knew exactly which room belonged to whom. Or perhaps it only felt that way since Jilly hadn’t seen him come out yet. He might’ve gone straight home instead of stopping off here first. In any case, she couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to pay them a social call tonight. Not unless he wanted to invite himself in for late dinner.

She sighed heavily and shook her head. This whole thing about having people drop by unexpectedly was tiring her. Especially now that she lived alone, she knows that some tired man who had worked his head off wants some physical comfort. She felt more like providing help and healing to some tired body. She was laying out what was so dear to her to give some comfort to the one who wanted it most. Its flesh, perishable flesh, after all, she thought. While it is still smooth, let it give succour to a tired soul. Even though sometimes you know better. Sometimes you do your best thinking while lying flat on your back, looking up at nothing. You can feel yourself becoming part of everything around you, losing all sense of self.

But never mind that now. Besides men wanting to lie next to her naked skin, there are other things to worry about. Like whether or not she should go ahead with her idea of doing an exhibit of paintings based on dreams last night. A dream book project. Her art teacher had suggested it earlier today and although it sounded good in theory, actually pulling together an exhibition wouldn’t be easy. Too many unknowns. What kind of reception will it get from gallery owners?

Repressive Hypothesis

Foucault talks about the “repressive hypothesis,” which Western society suppressed sexuality from the 17th to the mid-20th century due to the rise of capitalism and bourgeois society. Foucault argues that discourse on sexuality proliferated during this period, during which experts began to examine sexuality scientifically, encouraging people to confess their sexual feelings and actions. According to Foucault, in the 18th and 19th centuries, society took an increasing interest in sexualities that did not fit within the marital bond: the “world of perversion” that includes the sexuality of children, the mentally ill, the criminal and the homosexual, while by the 19th century, sexuality was being readily explored both through confession and scientific enquiry. Foucault addresses the role of sex in Greek and Roman antiquity. He discusses how ancient societies understood sex as a biological phenomenon and viewed it differently than we do today. For example, he describes how Athenian men were encouraged to have multiple wives for political reasons, whereas women had only one husband (although many would also take lovers). The Romans, however, saw marriage as sacred and monogamous relationships between two individuals as ideal.

The middle class had a very different view of sex from what we see in the modern era, where sexual liberation is seen as something good; this wasn’t necessarily so in medieval times or even the early Renaissance. In fact, it may not have been all that great for them. The middle-class man’s job entailed long hours away from home, working his fingers to the bone. He often returned late at night, smelling sourly from work and eating poorly while away. He would be too tired to do anything but lie down before falling into a fitful sleep, only to wake up feeling more exhausted than when he went off to bed the night before. Therefore, it must come as no surprise that he preferred women with whom one could engage in a physical relationship without any emotional involvement – after all if the woman was sleeping around, why should she expect him to commit? This is precisely why prostitutes were common among those in positions to afford them, particularly in Italy and France: a woman willing to provide physical satisfaction did not require commitment nor emotional intimacy and thus provided men with much-needed release in return for money or material goods. Women who engaged in prostitution were considered “easy,” promiscuous creatures unworthy of respect and marriage and certainly undeserving of the same rights enjoyed by other citizens.

In many cases, these prostitutes took advantage of the male population of a particular town/city because they could not find husbands themselves. Some were married to abusive men who beat and raped their wives. Others had children and could not take care of them on their own. Still, traveling merchants or wealthy landowners fell prey to their false promises. Whatever the reason, the result remained the same: unmarried women who had nowhere else to go ended up selling themselves out for food and shelter. As such, prostitutes served a practical purpose in medieval society. Not only did their income contribute to the economy (they were taxed like everyone else), but most of the townsfolk knew about them and accepted them as part of everyday life. If anything, they might consider some of them attractive enough to marry.

In ancient Greece, the Greeks saw prostitution as a crime against the community. The women engaged in the profession either willingly or unwillingly through force. Therefore, they believed the government’s role was to help these individuals escape this situation. This included providing housing, education, and employment opportunities in order to prevent these women from entering prostitution. By doing so, Athens’ rulers thought they could reduce corruption and increase moral behavior within the city. The Romans viewed this practice similarly, except instead of protecting the prostitutes from violence and exploitation, they focused on helping them enter legitimate professions. In Rome itself, however, the prostitutes faced harsh penalties. Those caught prostituting were subject to execution, although Roman law required that a prostitute be allowed to choose whether or not she wanted to be punished by death.

During the Middle Ages, Christianity played a significant role in defining the social values associated with sexuality. Although the Church had no problem with the concept of marriage, it was highly opposed to premarital sex. It condemned homosexuality, masturbation, abortion, and infanticide. The Church also frowned upon incest, bestiality, and adultery, which led to the rise of arranged marriages in which parents chose spouses for their children based solely on religious beliefs. In this manner, the Catholic Church helped establish its dominance in European society and culture during the Middle Ages.

The Christian Church’s opposition to nonprocreative sex was rooted in the Bible’s Old Testament writings, in which sex was seen as a means of procreating a race. Because sex was considered sinful, priests and nuns preached to the faithful against it. They urged people to abstain from intercourse until marriage when the couple would consummate their relationship in holy matrimony. Priests, bishops, and popes further enforced this belief system through sermons and edicts, ensuring that the public understood the importance of celibacy for married and unmarried couples.
In the early 1500s, a new sect known as the Protestants arose in Europe. Instead of following the teachings of the Vatican, they held the Bible as their guidebook and interpreted it literally. To them, this meant believing the word of God, including passages condemning premarital sex. The Protestants also rejected the concept of clergy hierarchy; instead, the congregations themselves governed the churches. As a result, the Protestant movement spread quickly and gained popularity with ordinary folk. The Protestant leaders argued that if a priest told you something and you disagreed, you could leave and start your congregation. Many Catholics followed suit and founded separate sects. Among these were groups called Anabaptists and Quakers. Their members did not believe in taking vows or performing rituals. As such, neither group ordained ministers. Instead, each person had to decide whether he wanted to be a minister. Both of these movements eventually merged to form the Anglican Church. The English monarchy supported the Protestant reformers, and many kings and queens converted to Protestantism.

The American Civil War brought about several changes in Western society that would affect the development of pornography. On July 21, 1861, Abraham Lincoln signed a bill establishing the first U.S. military hospital in Washington, D.C. It would serve as a field surgical facility where wounded soldiers received immediate attention. The medical staff operated on patients without regard for religion; they were treated equally regardless of what they believed about God. In addition, many women served as nurses at field hospitals. They cared for their injured brothers-in-arms as well as the men’s wives, who waited anxiously nearby for news regarding the fate of their loved ones. The experience of serving at a battlefield hospital deeply affected the women. While some women were motivated to volunteer due to patriotism and a desire to help the country, others sought to do so because it offered them a chance to see and hear firsthand accounts of war crimes committed by men against women. For example, one nurse recalled hearing stories about soldiers raping female slaves who worked in the fields. She also described how she observed the men forcing their women into sexual relations against their will: “One day I witnessed a case where a slave woman, with whom we were intimate, was forced by three Union cavalrymen under guard to submit to an unnatural act.” Other reports of rape and violence against women circulated the campfires as well. Women felt compelled to speak up, but social norms weren’t easy to do so. Society viewed women as weak and helpless victims; therefore, they should accept whatever happened to them as part of life.

All these events and proclamations against sex ended up bringing sex to the foreground and made it an obsession. It has been stripped of its art form and has become a perverse activity. The only purpose that sex serves now is to satisfy lust, which has taken over its original function—reproducing humankind. Sex has become the main focus in our society, while all other aspects have faded out.

Everything that counts don’t count

Thought for the day:

During World War II, numerous fighter planes were getting hit by anti-aircraft guns.

Air Force officers wante he bed to add some protective armor/shield to the planes. The question was “where”?

The planes could only support few more kilos of weight. A group of mathematicians and engineers were called for a short consulting project.

Fighter planes returning from missions were analysed for bullet holes per square foot. They found 1.93 bullet holes/sq. foot near the tail of the planes whereas only 1.11 bullet holes/sq. foot close to the engine.

The Air Force officers thought that since the tail portion had the greatest density of bullets, that would be the logical location for putting an anti-bullet shield.

A mathematician named Abraham Wald said exactly the opposite; more protection is needed where the bullet holes aren’t – that is -around the engines.

His judgement surprised everyone. He said We are counting the planes that returned from a mission. Planes with lots of bullet holes in the engine did not return at all.


If you go to the recovery room at the hospital, you’ll see a lot more people with bullet holes in their legs than people with bullet holes in their chests. That’s not because people don’t get shot in the chest; it’s because the people who get shot in the chest don’t recover.

Remember the words of Einstein-
Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted, counts.

From the book –
How Not To Be Wrong, by Jordan Ellenberg.

Count how Safe we are at Home.
After relaxations of lockdown, remember our engines will be exposed.

Destruction or Disruption

the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired.
disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.
If you see an organization struggling to survive either they are far  behind in thought (irrelevant) or far ahead of their times (Living in Unreality). You would see old organizations living in the past and the new ones living in the future. The common thread that you see in both is they would be struggling. The only solution is to knock down their constructs with a wrecking ball or a sledge hammer. That’s destruction. The blow must be so hard that the company would be shaken and brought to reality.  This cannot be done on profitable companies.
What is disruption?
The company is doing well they are successful in what they do. They are busy doing what they do best and in the process have ignored something that would affect them in the long run. An astute consultant or a journalist must be able to see this and disrupt the organization. With laser sharp accuracy they have to strike that part of the organization and disrupt it.
We ought to know that one has got to be careful when you disturb or disrupt  if there is a semblance of order even if it’s pathological, because we just will not know what will spring forth.
I have been following a story on Mineral Mining very closely and I have done a substantial bit of reading about the industry.  I was drawn to this the way I was drawn to the Stayzilla – Jigsaw splat. I got to read a blogs and news stories about a company that is a dominant player in the Mineral Mining industry. The business was successful and the company was raking in profits an foreign exchange. They had displayed enterprise, innovation and efficiency and have place India in the world map. Busy doing their business they had ignored the demands of the information era which was to share information about what they do to the community and society.
If  you don’t define yourself you run the risk of being defined by others. And the others can be anyone it can be your competitor, the community, activists or even journalists.
What they see of you is a thumb nail sketch and based on that hazy imagery they would draw forth conclusions and they will construct their own image and present it. Presenting high resolution information is important for any organization.
VV Minerals are in the Mineral Mining Industry had erred on that front and  got defined as beach sand mafia.
Redefining a successful business entity is disturbance and not disruption.
If the colleges had not taken care to brand themselves they would run the risk of being  branded as mind molesters and not as education providers.

Selling in a crowded environment

Whether its a lift or a bus or a train. Looks like our brain, even if its generally on experimentation mode suddenly moves towards conformity mode in a crowded environment. Perhaps this is reason why some people would want to have their own personal space while travelling. They would want to live in their own bubble and have more control over their behaviour .. i assume.
The relationship a person has with his phone is quite a strange one. Just holding on to a device that has power within gives a great sense of security to people. Let assume in a crowded public space the areas in the brain that perceives potential threat may be firing furious .. which means any purchase done in a crowded area may be something that has been already worked out or thought off. Impulse activity may be minimal. So how can a product or service serve a person on the go? That would an interesting subject to explore.


The Diwali person

I was supposed to attend this meeting. It was lovely rainly day like this. Those were days prior to the cabs so I had to walk a bit to hire and auto.

By now the rains were lashing the wiper in the auto was moving tamely like a accused murdered walking to the gallows for his final call. Within two kilometers the wiper stopped working. Then it was a blind journey. The auto driver wanted to stop and wait for the rains to calm down. But the passenger was in a hurry and did not mind risking his life so that he can be on time for the meeting.

What was this strong tug or the pull to attend the meeting? Nobody knows. Its one of those crazy moments in the persons life you see that he is completely under this mighty force and his life is not in his hands.

The protection you get from an autorickshaw is the same as the protection you get by wearing an aluminium foil thinking its bullet proof vest. The passenger was drenched to the bone. 100 meters away a group of people were warning the motorists not to go further because of roads being flooded. The auto guy by now has been infected with the same emotions that the passenger was suffering from. The man became bull headed and ignored the warning and drove on braving the floods.

By now the passenger was drenched and this sudden thought of getting back home occurred to him. But then he realized that the inner energy will suffice to dry his clothes through his skin.

He arrived at the desitination. A bit of squeezing out the water and some basic rituals like wiping the face and combing the hair and a bit of wait standing on the door mat for the water to drain away from the clothes. Then his body heat kicked in and he felt ready to walk into the meeting hall.

His sudden feeling of being normal came crashing down when he saw the others who seemed like they had walked out of a baking oven. There was not trace of wetness or water in the room. They looked as dry as a bone of a carcass in the desert. Suddenly the passenger found his level of self esteem plummet to undesiable low.   He felt like a misfit in that room. He took the most innocuous place and got out of the eye contact of angle of the others in the room. In this little cocoon of his he found some comfort. In this meeting he will be a mute passenger and he was already missing the person who had driven him to the venue. How does it feel if your recent profile pic is not liked by anyone on Facebook? That’s the same feeling I had. He was sinking into the dangerous “ of lonliness and lostness” pit he suddenly felt his body tingling a rush of fresh seemed to pass through him. He felt like a school boy who was wearing his favorite superman uniform to school and like the young lad dressed up in his best for Diwali.

He now looked at himself and he realized the reality was far different his clothes seemed wet and ragged and he was intrigued as to why he felt very different from the way he was supposed to feel.

He dismissed the feeling as hallucination that happens before the onset of a terrible flue after having be drenched by the rain.

This surreal feeling will soon go away he thought. Yet it seemed to persist and grow in him. He felt uneasy in a good way.   It was as though the passenger found the driver he was waiting for.

There was a slight hustle next to him and he turned his drooping head and suddely the room glistenend with bright lights. He looked again and saw a face that had a smile and the sounds of crackers filled the air even as the sparkling lights lit up the night sky.

The Diwali in person.

Starbucks Sodality

I walked into the park this morning and I found the place infested with people with white clothing with a pad in hand. The anxiety of being accosted by some real estate salesman clouded my head. There was one guy who broke free from the group overcoming few obstacles and came straight to me with a pad and pen in his hand. “Sir I need your signature to petition against TASMAC”. Why do these people ever assume that morning walkers are health conscious and stable people who wake up in the morning and live a puritan lifestyle?

I gave him a resounding NO and walked away. White shirts and there was a van standing with the photo of GK Vasan, the politician,  apparently this was a activity for gain. It was so frikkin apparent and on to the face.

Few steps into the part the challenge of the walk made me forget all this thankfully.

45 minutes later while I was leaving I saw 15 youngsters with a black attire armed with brooms and other cleaning accoutrements surveying the area. Now I was curious I wanted to know who they were.  I strained my eyes for some hint. There was this familiar logo on their T Shirt it was on of those whispering types.. not the screaming ones.  I knew it was the Starbucks stuff and then I saw familiar faces.

The first question I asked was how often do you do it?  its not mandated for us to do this task so we do it when ever we want.  I infer its a team effort gently facilitated by Starbucks.

The purpose was to keep the place clean obviously and then to set an example for the youngsters and kids especially to be conscious about throwing filth around. Even as I was talking to Kevin a group had already started cleaning the roads. No fan fare no noise .. just quietly cleaning.

Sun and the sackcloth

People who stand valiantly against discrimination against women in public secretly share what really lies within them  with those innocuous whatsapp messages posted in closed groups. Talking about handling duality –  one brain seems to handle the science of Astronomy and age old belief,  that is astrology.

Just that the brain that houses astrology  seem to be active these days. How else can you explain the case of a  class 10 social science textbook in Chhattisgarh that claims that ‘working women are one of the causes of unemployment in the country’?

This cannot be an idea of one nitwit but a group of people who share similar thinking must have got together in one room and conceived what must go into the text book. What are the chances of getting a group of men with such regressive thinking gathering in one room?  Very very high indeed in India it is very high.

My question is where did these guys suddenly emerge from ? How did they suddenly get into the decision making roles?

Even as you think of answers… just look at some pictures I have put together.

‘Don’t measure a woman’s worth by her clothes’ is a slogan that comes from a Swiss organization called Terre Des Femmes. Terre Des Femmes focuses on gender equality, and for this specific issue, not judging women based on the length of her clothes.

These strong and empowering ads were created by students at the Miami Ad School in Hamburg, Germany—and Theresa Wlokka.

Stay judged Screen Shot 2015-09-23 at 3.07.44 pm Screen Shot 2015-09-23 at 3.08.31 pm

And only yesterday I saw a cover story of a tamil magazine on how leggings have become obscene. Can you believe it some perverted photographer has actually taken a pic of these women without their knowledge and another perverted editor of the magazine has made it into a cover story. Talking of group of similar morons in the same room

legggings kumudam

And finally here is something that will make you smile.


Most Hygienic Schools in Chennai

My work has taken me to a lot of schools. I have good experiences terrible experiences. So I thought I should blog about this to let the community know the best schools I have seen in my 10 years of journey with schools.  “Cleanliness they say is next to godliness”  I remember reading the story of a loving mother who weaned her son out of a bad habit that got him entangled with the wrong set of friends. What did she do?  Simply made sure the boys room was kept spic and span. She never complained or screamed at the boy for what he was doing. The boy used to disappear for weeks and comeback home with his friends to find his room spick and span with bright white sheets and things kept in place. Over a period of time the message of cleanliness took over the boys life and he decided to clean up his act and then his life. He kicked the bad habit and went on to lead a good life. This act of that loving mother impacted the lives of the boys friends too. Thats the power of staying clean.

Most of the schools make you wait endlessly. There are some schools the wait is such a delight. You marvel at the hygiene. When I say hygiene it does not just cover the cleanliness part it also encompasses the way the staff members are dressed (staff includes the attendants the drivers) the way the canteen, the buses, the toilets, are maintained. The garden, the upkeep of the walls and the place outside the school. The manner in which the staff and teachers show respect to each other. I have combined a whole lot of factors and here is the list of Most Hygienic Schools in Chennai. 

  1. GT Aloha Vidya Mandir.  Is by far the best I have seen. Head and shoulders above the others. They score very high on most of the hygiene factors. Its a delight just sitting at the office and the way people interact with each other. The commitment to cleanliness and the happiness all around.
  2. Lady Andal. Situated in a scenic surrounding. The school is clean but have to improve on their other soft hygiene factors like comfort and courtesy shown to visitors
  3. The Ashram.  Like Lady Andal it is maintained well but they score low in various other fronts when it comes to dealing with visitors
  4. Sishya School and Chettinad.  Well maintained but noticed the staff being friendly. But their other facilities like canteen, transport were found wanting.
  5. Chennai Public School.  Situated in the outskirts of the city hence very clean but they seem very insular. One does not see bon homie in the school premises.

Most of the other schools even if they score high on cleanliness the attire of the teachers and staff and sometimes even their behaviour have not been upto mark. Or lets say the management does not seem to run a tight and tidy ship.

As the years go by I am certain the ‘education consumers’ will demand more from these schools.