tiecon chennai 2010

"Lets not reinvent anything"

I managed to catch up  with two of my old friends yesterday. One of them said ” Chennai has too many events that I have decided not to attend any of them” ( so TiECON, I understood cannot be classified under an event, and that makes me happy) now the other one said “Well its better to have some event or the other happening than to have nothing at all”.   So when Vishy told me about the assignment at TiECON, all of me screamed  ‘God why me?’ yet one little gut  kept pleading within me to be part of this group.  The soft whisper of this little gut was louder than the screaming NO..

I’am glad I heard my gut.

To sum it up, only on  two occasions did I feel terrible about being part of this project.  That was when I had very little to do and then last evening as the God’s daughter, the dark night, spread its  canvas across the sky.

I remember the night I sat for the pages of Economic Times.   Hard work combined with sleeplessness should have made ordinary mortals crumble. Not so here.  The logical preciseness of JK, the overarching vision of Ramraj, the humor of Chandu and the design prowess of Uday came prancing now and then like the elves who helped the shoe maker turn around his enterprise.  So lesson:  Even when you are tired keep up the good cheer with some great company around.

There is no greater joy to see the youngsters engaging and committing their time for the conference.  Dorai Todla, has this ability to attract sensible and committed ones.  The team he put together under Sorav Jain‘s charge showed commitment and I am sure they are enriched after the conference.  Through them TiECON CHENNAI 2010 will echo and ripple for a while.

I have read that the Generals of Napoleon used to dread every victory, for Napoleon used harass them to find out what are the right things they had done to ensure victory.  And all they had to do was to repeat the right things in the next battle.

I can hear JK say “LETS NOT REINVENT ANYTHING ” . These words have become entwined in my neural pathways for I have heard this say this a million times.  When we sift the right things that were done, the ones that need improvement will stay behind for us to be addressed  next year.

Thank you guys for the great journey with TiECON CHENNAI 2010.

PS:  I actually read this blog again after publishing and found 6 mistakes and corrected them.  A small big lesson from TiE Chennai.